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Larry Stine Interviewed on NBC News — Slaughterhouse Children: The Dark Truth Behind the Meat You Eat

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NBC News premiered a new documentary today titled Slaughterhouse Children, featuring an interview with senior partner J. Larry Stine. Larry is first seen in the documentary 10 minutes into the video and has represented Mar-Jac Poultry for over three decades.

Here's a description of the NBC documentary: In towns across America, children working in dangerous jobs in slaughterhouses is an open secret. Data from the Labor Department says that children are illegally working at alarming rates. NBC News takes you inside these slaughterhouses in an investigation that spans six states, two countries, dozens of interviews, and thousands of pages of public records.

In the interview, Larry discusses the difficulty of slaughterhouse hiring, the pressures faced by immigrants who need the work, and the challenges of companies filtering out ineligible candidates.

Watch the documentary below or directly on YouTube here.

If you'd prefer to read, you can check out the article version of this news story here.

For those interested in understanding these issues at a deeper level, be sure to register for our upcoming webinar, Suffer the Little Children: 21st Century Child Labor Challenges, to hear Larry Stine talk about these dynamics.

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