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Employers may be lulled to a false sense of security by reading about legislative and judicial efforts to block the NLRB quickie election rule that goes into effect April 14, 2015. The effect of the new "quickie" or "ambush" election rules are to shorten the time frame from the union’s request of an election to the election date itself, from approximately forty (40) days to possibly as little as fourteen (14) days. The concern expressed by Sen. Lamar Alexander is that: "I would hope that both Democrats and Republicans would oppose a rule that allows unions to organize before the employer has time to know what’s going on." It is possible if not likely that a resolution will be passed in both the Senate and the U.S. House attempting to block the new NLRB rules, but such a resolution would face a certain veto from President Obama. Congress would lack the two-thirds vote necessary to override such a presidential veto.

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