April 2015
On March 4, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in the second major case before it which will determine the future of ObamaCare, King v. Burwell. Unlike the first case, this second case does not deal with the constitutionality of ObamaCare but instead deals with its terminology. ObamaCare basically grants health insurance subsidies to people who ob…
Effective January 1, 2015, employers are required to report to OSHA within twenty-four (24) hours an amputation, the loss of an eye or any incident that results in at least one worker being admitted to a hospital for in-patient care, in addition to existing procedures requiring the reporting of fatalities within eight (8) hours. Little noticed in these chan…
Employers may be lulled to a false sense of security by reading about legislative and judicial efforts to block the NLRB quickie election rule that goes into effect April 14, 2015. The effect of the new "quickie" or "ambush" election rules are to shorten the time frame from the union’s request of an election to the election date itself, from approxima…
Since the effect of the new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) "quickie" election rules is to deprive an employer of valuable time to address issues, it is critical for employers to do pre-planning steps to take in advance of union organizing, as well as steps to take at the onset of union organizing. Failure to take such steps could result in a situatio…
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Union Fines Employee $22,000.00 for Crossing Picket Lines
OSHA Regional Emphasis Program for Poultry Processing Facilities
GOVERNMENT Position: Worker Presents New Social Security Number and States Previous Documents Were Not Real
OSHA ALERT: OSHA Regional Emphasis Program Targets Southeastern Poultry Processing Facilities
NLRB Explains What Employer Rules Are Unlawful and How to Make Them Lawful
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DOL Proposes to Increase Salary Threshold for Overtime Exemption: Will It Raise Wages or Cut Hours?
What Does It Take to Create a Hostile Work Environment? Apparently, a Single E-Mail Will Do
Pros, Cons and Issues When Dealing With Electronic I-9 Software Providers
Supreme Court Addresses Wage-Hour Collective Actions and Statistical Proof in Tyson Case