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November 2023 Newsletter

Employment Law Bulletin

A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues

Volume XXXXI, Issue 11

In this issue: The EEOC proposed expanded harassment enforcement guidance, addressing delayed complaints and systemic issues. Concurrently, the DOL proposed a significant increase in the salary level for overtime exemption, potentially affecting 3.6 million workers. The newsletter also covers DOL's 2024 minimum wage adjustments for federal contractors. However, a Texas federal court ruled against an Executive Order increasing starting pay for federal contractors in specific states. This issue provides concise coverage of crucial updates in harassment enforcement, overtime criteria, and federal contractor minimum wages.

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Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues
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Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues
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Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues
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Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues