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September 2023 Newsletter

Employment Law Bulletin

A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues

Volume XXXXI, Issue 9

In this issue: The newsletter discusses the legal complexities surrounding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs post a Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action. Employers are caught in debates over the extent of their DEI efforts. Starbucks, Comcast, and Amazon are facing lawsuits over their programs. Conflicting government advice on DEI adds to the confusion. Labor unions' growing influence and recent strikes are noted, along with potential negative impacts. The newsletter also covers the NLRB's new standard for assessing the legality of employer policies using the Stericycle, Inc. case as an example.

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August 28, 2023
Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues
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August 28, 2023
Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues
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August 28, 2023
Category: Employment Law Newsletter: A Monthly Report On Labor Law Issues