In this episode, host Thom Jennings and employment law attorney Kathleen Jennings discuss side hustles.
Side hustles often look like one’s passion or a hobby, but what is the impact on time and focus when an employee's main job is derailed by the hobby? As employers, how can you help your staff succeed in both jobs and keep everyone happy, as well as successful?
Side hustles have a bigger impact on employers than you might think and it’s important to be aware of how they can impact your workplace.
Podcast Episode Transcript
Narrator (00:04):
You are listening to Cover Your Assets, a podcast that discusses the timely and significant legal issues faced by employers. Kathleen Jennings is an attorney who has over 30 years of experience in advising employers as to their legal responsibilities and has written extensively about employment law. Our popular Cover Your Assets blog, if your business has employees you cannot afford not to have your assets covered.
Thom Jennings (00:30):
Hello everyone and welcome to Cover Your Assets, the Labor and Employment Law Podcast. And I guess we'll just, I'm just gonna go for it this time. We're gonna start out with this. If you would please, if you're listening to the show, please review it, share it, help us grow the podcast because this past week now, I haven't shared this with you yet. Resident expert slash sister slash attorney, Kathleen Jennings, while my sister, you're other people's sisters, but I'm the only one that counts. I did work on some promotional aspects of the show to try to increase our audience. And there was some mixed results. So the results were that we did see an increase in listenership, unfortunately was in Nigeria.
Kathleen Jennings (01:14):
Well, I think that goes with our, our strong listenership in Morocco. So we clearly have an international following,
Thom Jennings (01:22):
Which is interesting because barely anything that we speak about has anything to do with any other country other than the United States of America. This is indeed a US based show about labor and employment law. But, but the entertainment component translates into multiple languages. Is that correct?
Kathleen Jennings (01:41):
I, I think you're right about that. And so if others find it entertaining and folks in the United States find it educational and entertaining, then I'm happy.
Thom Jennings (01:53):
Absolutely. And the only way podcasts grow and they stay on the air is if people share 'em and they enjoy 'em. And so we're just asking you politely, it's not a requirement, but if you would, it would be great. And today is a topic that I think is very timely. Most of our topics are, but this one is in particular, and it has to do with side hustles. I love that term, side hustle,
Kathleen Jennings (02:16):
Side hustles. Who came up with that? I wonder. It is a great and very descriptive term
Thom Jennings (02:21):
Now, when I was a young man and you were a young lady, they used to have a disco dance called the Hustle. Do you remember that?
Kathleen Jennings (02:28):
I do remember that. I could not do it, but I remember it was a thing.
Thom Jennings (02:32):
It was a thing. And I feel like the people that could do the hustle, because I was not in that category either, they were like kind of the cool people and us people that couldn't do the hustle we looked on and go, my goodness, why can't we do the hustle? But they could do the hustle.
Kathleen Jennings (02:45):
Well, you know, that was really part of the disco era that our younger listeners have no idea how colorful and exciting that time in our history was.
Thom Jennings (02:56):
It really was. But let's talk about side hustles. And really, we, we have a, a changing workplace today because of the pandemic. And what happened during the pandemic, I don't need to tell you, but we'll, we'll recap a little bit. A lot of lot of jobs went remote so people had some time on their hands. And during that downtime or shift in time, whichever, cuz some people were still working their regular amount of hours, they were just working them from a different location. And as a result, a couple of things started to happen. I think that people started to investigate doing other things online to maybe earn money. And then recently we had this real fun thing that we, you know, also had during the disco era. Look how we just tied it all back together.
Kathleen Jennings (03:44):
It's beautiful.
Thom Jennings (03:45):
It's called inflation. And the, there was a guy named Gerald Ford. His real name was Leslie King Jr. By the way. Why he changed it to Gerald Ford, I think. I think it's because he was adopted, but either way I would,
Kathleen Jennings (03:57):
I think it's much more presidential, don't you?
Thom Jennings (04:00):
I feel like Gerald Ford is, it almost sounds more like he invented a car than he was a president, but Gerald Ford came up with a fantastic solution for inflation. Do you remember that?
Kathleen Jennings (04:09):
I don't,
Thom Jennings (04:10):
He had little buttons that said win w i n
Kathleen Jennings (04:13):
Oh whip inflation. Now I do remember that. Yeah. Yeah.
Thom Jennings (04:18):
So we should, we should bring back those. Maybe what I'll do is I'll come up with a whip inflation now t-shirt and the younger generation can appreciate that. But, but in all seriousness, what happens with inflation is prices go up and people have to figure out a way to either cut back on expenses or increase income simple enough. So cutting back on expenses really doesn't relate to our topic today, but increasing in income does. Because in order to do that, you're probably gonna have to come up with a side hustle or two or three. So.
Kathleen Jennings (04:52):
Well, and, and Thom, I think by way of full disclosure for our listeners, I'd like for you to tell our listeners how many jobs you actually have.
Thom Jennings (05:03):
Wow. So you're putting me on the spot here. I have, so when we say jobs, we're talking officially paid, like actual paid jobs
Kathleen Jennings (05:10):
Paid or, or even maybe some entrepreneurship going on. Perhaps.
Thom Jennings (05:16):
So I am a I would say four solid ones and I'm gonna lump the podcast into the media thing. So because I, I'm a newspaper reporter slash features writer and, and whatever music guy. And I consider the entertainment component. That's one component. I also, I also make bagels, which is a, a business that I started with my wife and, and with the bagels themselves, they're an important part of it. And so I'm an employer, which means I, I do actually have two employees beyond myself and my wife. So I, I have to deal with that aspect of it. I'm a bartender and a meaty, which is a lot of people think it's meat, like is in salami, but it's meat, which is a, a honey fermented beverage. And then my full-time gig, which would be my hustle, not my side hustle. Cause people talk about side hustle. So isn't your main job, your hustle
Kathleen Jennings (06:08):
Should be your hustle, but perhaps people hustle more in their side hustles and that's a problem we need to talk about today.
Thom Jennings (06:14):
Yeah, maybe instead of, maybe that's the thing, it's side hustle. You're hustling, but on your main job you're being kind of lazy, which is sort of true for me. I'm a special education teacher and there are days where I pretty much mail it in, please employ, but don't listen. But I am, I am a good teacher on some level. But that, but that is, yes, I, I work all of these jobs because of for a number of reasons. But it, because I have faced some economic adversity and anyone that's faced economic adversity, they either, they either learn to accept it or they say, I'm going to have to figure out a way not to face that again.
Kathleen Jennings (06:48):
And so do you perform any of your side hustles during the time that you are working your main hustle
Thom Jennings (06:59):
On the advice of council? I would like to plead the fifth on that.
Kathleen Jennings (07:04):
Well, and maybe we should talk about how employers can deal with an employee who has a side hustle and the measures that they can take to make sure that employers can prevent these side hustles from taking up main hustle time. Because if you are an employer, you are paying an employee to do the job for you. And if they have a second or third or fourth job, like some people, then you need to examine whether those side hustles are interfering with that employee's ability and time to do their main hustle.
Thom Jennings (07:45):
Yeah. And, and not too long ago, out here where I live in Western New York, there was a situation where there was some, some either corrections or police officers, I believe it, that believe they were police officers that were working security. And so as a side job, which isn't unusual in law enforcement. And, but the problem was, is that they were doing it while they were on the clock as police officers. So they, they subsequently, and they got arrested and they were charged with fraud because you, you, you know, double dipping I don't know that there's necessarily that type of seriousness when it comes to side hustles, but maybe you can address that. I would imagine that there's other workplaces where people again look at it like, oh, this is kind of a double dipping situation and it could become a huge legal issue.
Kathleen Jennings (08:36):
It could an employer as in the case you just talked about, could consider an employee working a second job during the time that they're supposed to be working their first job and they're on the clock and getting paid as a, a theft of time or theft of wages. Because the, I would say the contract, although I use that not in the formal sense, but the agreement between an employer and employee is I will pay you in exchange for you performing work for me. So if you are performing work for someone else, but I'm still paying you, then you are in effect stealing my wages and using them for something else.
Thom Jennings (09:18):
So I I, I've actually experienced this multiple occasions and being a writer, it's obviously one of those situations where if you're writing something, you can, you can write it remotely. I mean, I've worked remotely doing writing stuff for 15 years, so there's nothing unusual there. Have I done it during my time while I'm working my day job? Absolutely. Typically as a teacher, you know, you get planning period, so maybe I'll do it during that period or in other jobs I would do it during my lunch hours, you know, those, those types of things. So, although on paper I would say those are situations that are, that certainly can be bad and, but aren't we really talking about stuff today that severely inter interferes with one's ability to do their job? Like it, like I can't imagine that there aren't people that do something along the lines of when I'm doing maybe again on their lunch hours or on their breaks or anything like that. And maybe that dips into their productivity. But I think it really comes down to, you know, how much do you want to enforce it? Because since this is the reality of the workplace, you can set the expectations like we've talked about on other episodes when it comes to other situations. But you can also create yourself a whole pile of problems if you just come down on people just to come down on people.
Kathleen Jennings (10:40):
You can. And in this job market, as we've talked about on another podcasts, there's a shortage of good workers. And so if you have good workers who need to work more than one job to stay ahead of inflation or support their family or whatever they need the money for, then you need to come up, first of all with a policy, a written policy about side hustles or moonlighting or work outside of the main job, whatever you wanna call it. But the best thing to do would be think about what is our policy? Do we allow people, our employees to work a second job at any time or do we prohibit it all the time? Some states may even not allow such a policy of absolutely no moonlighting to happen. And if you have that kind of policy, I think as a practical matter, people are just gonna sneak around.
Kathleen Jennings (11:40):
So you may be better off having a policy that allows employees to work a second or third job, but asks them to disclose that job to you so you can make sure that they're not working for a competitor or working in a job that somehow conflicts with their main job or perhaps could put them in a situation of a conflict of interest. So that kind of transparency would benefit the employer and also benefit the employee because then they know that their employer knows that they have this other job. And maybe sometimes you need some flexibility because I need to leave work. Yeah, I can't work overtime today because I have this second job. Something like that.
Thom Jennings (12:29):
You bring up a lot of great points. And I think the, the proactive one is the, the proactive approach, I should say really just at, at the, at the front end, instead of coming off as like, oh, you can't do this, you can't do that. At the very least you just say, look, if you have another job, just let us know what it is. And those, and I, there are situations where maybe employees don't understand that there is a conflict of interest, but that could be very serious. And I know in the, when I worked in sales, and this was a huge issue because being in, i, I mean those worlds can kind of cross over. So here's the thing. So I'm meeting with you in, in your law office to sell you widgets and it turns out that I also sell pens.
Thom Jennings (13:12):
And while we're going over the business of the widgets, I say, oh, by the way, on the side I say, I have a little pen business, would you like to buy some pens? So now this, you're gonna create a problem where the only reason I'm in front of you is because of my day gig, but yet now I'm trying to hustle you for my side hustle. And it's, it's not a good thing to do. And, but, but I think on some level, the employer needs to really set the rules up front saying, look, if you're gonna meet with a person and you're gonna sell them anything, then you're selling 'em our stuff. If you, if you somehow meet them out at a bar and you're having drinks with 'em, you can try to sell pens to 'em. But even then, I don't think that's a good idea.
Kathleen Jennings (13:53):
No, I don't think it is. And, and so that's why it's better for everybody to just have it out in the open as to what the employee is doing for the side hustle to make sure that they don't get into a conflict situation. You can also have your policy state that employees are forbidden from performing other jobs while they're on the clock for their main jobs. There's nothing wrong with having a policy like that. And in some cases with employees working remotely, what employers are doing, and we've talked about this in another podcast, is employers are monitoring employee productivity, keyboard strokes and things like that in order to ensure that employees are not working other jobs or jobs other than their main jobs. So if you have a policy that prohibits employees from working a second job while they're on the clock and you're using monitoring to do that, make sure you update your monitoring policy as well so that employees are on notice as to what they can expect to be monitored.
Thom Jennings (15:07):
So this brings up a question that I have when we use the term on the clock. Now that may seem like, oh, you know, that's a pretty easy question to answer. You're either on the clock or you're not, you know, you're pregnant or you're not. You're, you're, it, it's, it's, there's no, you know, in horseshoes it's, and, and hand grenades. That's the only time close counts. But, so I was in a situation where, like going back to the music piece, I would, I had an interview scheduled with, should I name the person? Of course I like to drop names. Mickey Dolan's. Do you know who that is?
Kathleen Jennings (15:37):
From the Monkeys? Of
Thom Jennings (15:38):
Course. Yeah. Mickey Dolan's in the Monkeys. So Mickey Dolan's. Yeah, Mickey Dolan's set up an interview with me and I did the interview while I was working another position. I did it out in the parking lot on my lunch hour.
Kathleen Jennings (15:50):
You didn't have to take the last train to Clarksville to see him?
Thom Jennings (15:53):
I did not, but I'm a believer in doing an interview with him. Oh my gosh, all the monkey's references. So young people are going, what are they talking about? Curious George is a monkey. No different monkey spokes. But in all seriousness, so I did the interview and, and it wasn't even in the building that I was working at, but I was a salaried employee and they used that as a justification for, I mean, it was part of a whole package of, you know, we want to get rid of you anyway. I mean, the reality is they want to get rid of me. That was just one of the things that they used. But either way, going back to that, it, I remember having the conversation. He says, well, you know, you did this, this interview for your other job while you were on the clock.
Thom Jennings (16:28):
I said, well, no, I wasn't on the clock. I said, I was on on lunch. He's like, well, you're salaried. You're never on lunch. You're technically always on the clock. I said, well that doesn't make any sense to me. But there are situations where people have an hour lunch and during that hour lunch, is that technically considered it being in the employee and on the clock or does it matter if you get paid for the lunch? I mean, how does that work in terms of being able to do your side hustle on your lunch hour? Cuz I would think like with an Instacart or maybe even Uber, you could probably sneak in a little extra money on the lunch hour if you have the time.
Kathleen Jennings (17:03):
You raise a great point there, Thom. Actually, you raise a, a bunch of great points. The first being that y salary people don't necessarily clock in and clock out. So when are they in air quotes on the clock? Some employers may consider them to be on the clock all the time as your former employer who wanted to get rid of you considered. So that comes down to what kind of flexibility are you going to allow your employees? Are you going to allow them to do anything they want for an hour a day on their lunch hour? Do you expect them to be at work and available to work during that lunch hour? And we're talking about salaried exempt employees. Now, the non-exempt employees are the people that that clock in and clock out, and you have to pay them for every minute that they are on the clock.
Kathleen Jennings (17:59):
So with the salaried employees, it does come down to, well, how flexible do you wanna be? If you have somebody who takes more than an hour every day because they're doing Uber or Lyft or Instacart and they're missing work or they're not available for phone calls or not available as a resource, then perhaps you need to have a chat with that employee about whether that second job is infringing on the first job. But it, it comes down to how flexible do you wanna be, and then you need to be consistent with all of your employees. So don't let Thom be the guy that can take a two hour lunch every day so he can make a little extra money with Instacart, but Mary has to stay in the building and available for phone calls because Tom's not around. That's not fair.
Thom Jennings (18:53):
Yeah, I agree. It really does come down to fairness, but I mean, going back to points that we've made earlier is probably best if you are gonna plan on doing that on your lunch hour, whether you're salaried or not, it's best to inform the employer. Say, Hey, you know, by the way, on my lunch hour since I have a half an hour, I'm, and the grocery store is next door, I'm gonna pop over and and earn a little bit of money. Is that okay? And so creating a relationship with the employees where they feel comfortable enough to tell you that, it goes back to the culture and all those types of things. So this is, this is important because I could see a scenario where, let's say I'm working with with Mary and I go on lunch and maybe I go to the grocery store to pick up lunch and I see her with clearly doing Instacart and maybe I don't like Mary and I go to HR and I go, by the way, Mary was doing Instacart on company time. You know, and that's, that's those are very real situations. So as an employer, you're kind of stuck where you either go, well, Mary already told us about that. We're aware where the fact that that's going on. Otherwise it becomes a, oh crap, now we gotta deal with this situation because Bob is complaining of Bob Mary. We don't want to deal with Bob cuz Bob's a complainer.
Kathleen Jennings (20:06):
Yeah. And, and nobody likes a snitch, but they're out there. You can also think of this as, as somewhat related to a situation, perhaps if you have an employee who is going to school. And so how much time are you going to let them study during work time? Or are there days that they have to leave early in order to go to a class? Or do you allow employees to attend virtual classes while during work hours? So it's, it's a similar situation. And so you want to make sure that you are consistent in the way that you treat employees. And consistent doesn't mean exactly the same as we've talked about before. You do have to have some flexibility and take into account each employee's situation, but you wanna be fair and you wanna of course make sure that you're not discriminating against a particular class of people.
Thom Jennings (21:08):
Yeah. And I I, I love that expression. Consistency doesn't mean the same thing as same. Everybody has different situations. There's, there's the, and when you have that flexibility, it, it helps with the, with the culture. Now I just had a situation not, but last week at my current employer and I'm a teacher, so this didn't apply to me because honestly, and I don't have to say this cuz my boss will never listen to me <laugh> on this podcast, but she's a great boss. She's very, she's always been really flexible for me. And, and the teachers, you know, we, we get treated fairly well, at least in my mind. There's always people that complain and things that things could be better and they could be, I mean, they could double my pay, which would make things better. Point being this, this person was in a department.
Thom Jennings (21:53):
She hadn't, she was, she started the exact same day that I did. She was a nurse, did not receive any pay increases with scheduled to, to have an annual review. Annual review wasn't done on time. So it was, it was six months late, then they had to do retroactive pay that they dragged their feet on that for two months. And then the final straw was though she went to her supervisor and said, I need to take some additional nursing classes to go from, I don't know, LPN to rn, whatever the, the step is in terms of nursing. And I apologized to all your nurses out there for not knowing the exact, the exact progression in terms of nursing, but it was gonna be a situation where she had to leave early one day a week for, you know, whatever d during the course of the semester and that she'd make it up on some other days.
Thom Jennings (22:39):
And they just said no. And so obviously put all those things together, you lose an employee. And she was the type of person that that showed up every day. I mean, I don't know what her, her work was like because I wasn't her supervisor, but still we, all of us as coworkers saw that situation. We all heard about it and then they said they did another thing. And maybe this is a, a topic for another episode cuz I just found it bizarre. They told her that she had to give at least a month's notice before she could start her new job. Yeah. And, and this is, this isn't the first time I've heard that. So, so what they'll do is the employer will hold over a bunch of sick time or personal time and say, well, if you don't give at least 30 days notice, then you don't get any of your unused vacation.
Thom Jennings (23:25):
You don't get anything. So it, it's just, I don't know, a a whole myriad of situations that come up. But ultimately it, it really does come down to flexibility, a and or inflexibility that when an employer refuses to deal with individual situations as they arise, it will eventually come back to bite them. At least I hope it will because it just, it it, it's just, you know, you don't wanna get sued and the people that are gonna sue you are the ones that don't like you people. That's right. That's it. I mean, it goes back to that. I know I'm, I'm running a little bit longer than usual cuz you need a chance to talk. But I will never forget the story I heard about Schwan's ice cream when they had a foodborne illness outbreak and their clientele was older and loyal and they didn't have a single lawsuit because people liked schwan's. And I think it can go the same way with employers that if something happens that may warrant a lawsuit on paper, if they like you and you've treated him well most of the time you're not gonna be in a situation where you're gonna get sued.
Kathleen Jennings (24:31):
Well, you hope I would knock on wood, but that would make an a weird noise on our podcast. So I'm not gonna do that. But, but you're right. At the end of the day, if you treat people fairly and your employees perceive that everyone is treated fairly, that's gonna go a long way to preventing potential lawsuits. Even your worker's comp claims. You may not have those employees who have these aches and pains and backs that, that go on forever and just cost your carrier money and increase your worker's comp rating. Happy employee and happy employees or employees who at least feel that they're being treated fairly will come to work every day and that's what you want.
Thom Jennings (25:20):
Yeah, no, I agree a hundred percent and we're at that point where we need to wrap up, but man, I thought, I think we hit a hit a lot of things, a lot of great things today and, but, but just really one of the overarching themes that maybe we didn't point out in particular is the fact that it is a changing workplace. And, and these are realities that more and more employers are facing and will and will face in the very new future. Cuz it doesn't look like anybody's gonna be getting any of those little whip inflation now buttons anytime soon, <laugh>. So they're gonna have to figure out a way to, to get some more money. And that may, I would say probably number one is they're gonna ask you to give them a raise if you're an employer. And if you can do that to the point where your employees don't have to work a side hustle, that's great. But the reality is, is as an employer you have expenses and you can only do so much So proactivity, that's my first take away and I'm sure you agree and I'll let you do the rest from here, but if, if you have a policy that addresses side hustles, it's, it's a crucial thing. If you don't have one now, get one immediately.
Kathleen Jennings (26:27):
Yeah. Cuz you're, especially now when you have more employees working remotely, so you don't see when they're coming and going necessarily or where they're going necessarily. You need to think about what is our policy, how do we wanna handle this? And also how do we wanna monitor things if we need to, if we have a a largely remote workforce, you're gonna have to look at your monitoring policies as well.
Thom Jennings (26:54):
How about some other takeaways
Kathleen Jennings (26:58):
As we've talked about before, be flexible, be fair, be consistent, and hopefully your employees will work as hard for you as they work for their side hustle.
Thom Jennings (27:11):
Hopefully they'll hustle on the side and just hustle every day. Absolutely.
Kathleen Jennings (27:16):
They'll, they'll hustle all the time. And let me also we should have announced this at the beginning, but I am very happy to announce that the cover your assets, the production company, Corone Media, has named their first employee of the month. And I am very pleased to report that Thom Jennings is our employee of the might time. Congratulations.
Thom Jennings (27:44):
Well, I just want to thank all my coworkers for their hard work. I want to, I just wanna say that I share this award with all of you. Now, now anyone that's, you're gonna have to go back in the archives if you don't get that joke. But yeah, my sister sent me a an employee of the month mug because I have, I'm, I'm 56 years old, that's full disclosure and I have complained for 52 years that I wasn't able to be employee of the month. It was bad enough when we were growing up as kids that I wasn't even the kid of the month cuz my sister Kathleen was the favorite one. Well, no, my mom liked me better
Kathleen Jennings (28:18):
Than you. What's No, your mom. Yeah. Mom liked you better. Yeah,
Thom Jennings (28:21):
Sometimes. Yeah. But mom definitely did have that in that kid of the month club like that. We, we, you know, we trended. I mean, I had months where I was not trending. Well,
Kathleen Jennings (28:30):
You had a lot of months when you were not trending. Well, let's be honest about that. <Laugh>, let's be honest, you were quite the handful as the young person. Yes. But, but right now you've made up for it. You are our employee the month and we fantastic. Thank you. Yes. We thank you for all the work you put into the podcast and then appreciate your efforts and your, your creativity and your productivity.
Thom Jennings (28:53):
I appreciate that as well. Now there is actually one point that we didn't discuss, and it's a quick one with regard to side hustles because I've dealt with this as has my wife. Make sure your employees are aware of the payroll implications of working second and third jobs. Because what will happen is, is if they're withholding taxes for the one job and not the other, at the end of the year, the IRS will go, oh, look at this extra money. We'll take that. So yeah, and, and a good HR person can kind of help you through that. But that, I mean, that just creates a financial burden for an employee that you don't want. And you, even though technically it's not something that you as the main employer have created, you still want to try to keep your employees happy because trust me, they will come to you and go, oh my God,
Kathleen Jennings (29:38):
I I didn't have enough money
Thom Jennings (29:39):
Withheld for my check. And then usually they'll go, well, did you work another job? Well, yeah, but, but, but, but, but, but so yeah, it, it's probably not bad just to send out an email to the workforce saying, if you're working a second job, please adjust your, what is it, W nine or something
Kathleen Jennings (29:53):
Withholdings. Yeah.
Thom Jennings (29:55):
Whatever it is. Yeah, whatever it is. Withholdings. See that's, and that's coming from the employee of the month. See, I'm, I'm helping everybody out there with this extra Yeah, you are. Little tidbit. Somebody's gotta thank me Somedays.
Kathleen Jennings (30:05):
Why Yeah. That's why you're employee the month and and we appreciate that.
Thom Jennings (30:09):
I totally see why he's the employee of the month. Yes, absolutely. I groveled I groveled and begged long enough where I finally, I finally made it's beautiful moment. All right. Anyhow with all that being said, and I thank you, this is a lot of fun. You, you, you've giving me your time to I know we're related and everything, but I still appreciate, you know, cuz attorney's time is a lot more expensive than special education teacher's time. So
Kathleen Jennings (30:36):
Yeah. I haven't actually revealed my hourly rate yet. I, he'll he'll be getting my bill
Thom Jennings (30:43):
<Laugh>. All right, great. All right. Contact information for you.
Kathleen Jennings (30:50):
Shoot me an email at kj j at wim law w im Let us know how much you enjoy our podcast, and please if you have any ideas for future podcasts, let us know.
Thom Jennings (31:06):
Absolutely. All right. And I will do the sign off this week. I wanna thank you very much for listening everywhere in the world, whether it be Nigeria, Morocco, Oakfield, New York, or Savannah, Georgia. Well actually, what's the prop? Pembroke, Georgia.
Kathleen Jennings (31:20):
Pembroke, Georgia
Thom Jennings (31:21):
Pembro, Georgia. We appreciate you listening and if you're related to us and that's the only reason you're listening, we appreciate that too. We don't care. We just, we just like it when people listen to us <laugh>. So until next time, this is Thom and his sister Kathleen, saying, remember to cover your assets.
Podcast Disclaimer
The Cover Your Assets-The Labor and Employment Law Podcast is produced by Thom Jennings of the Caronia Media Group. For more details, you can contact him at
The information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Use of and access to this podcast or any of the e-mail links contained within the site do not create an attorney-client relationship between Kathleen J. Jennings. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual hosts and guests.

Kathleen J. Jennings is a former principal in the Atlanta office of Wimberly, Lawson, Steckel, Schneider, & Stine, P.C. She defends employers in employment matters, such as sexual harassment, discrimination, Wage and Hour, OSHA, restrictive covenants, and other employment litigation and provides training and counseling to employers in employment matters.
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